Organize items in any player home.
Stash Organizer automatically organizes your items in any interior cell. It was written from scratch as a modern, mobile alternative to Sortomatic, and reimplements most of its functions.


Inventory management
  • Can be enabled in any unowned or player-owned interior cell.
  • Supports exterior cells, owned by player.
  • Can sort your items to configured containers.
  • Allows to select specific categories of items for removal, globally or per cell.
  • Allows manual sorting.
  • Allows to configure keep list, always remove list, and quotas to keep.
  • By default, keeps equipped, hotkeyed, and pinned in Just Weapon Hweel weapons, ammo, and armor.
  • Items can be retrieved by category, perk, repair target, crafting list. Or, you can retrieve everything, of course.
  • Can pull ammo for all carried weapons.
  • The system will remember where you put your items manually, and use that as their default destination.
  • Item-specific destinations can be overviewed via container menu.
  • Containers can be marked as ignored: they won’t be re-sorted automatically or marked as default destination, when you put something in it.
  • Default destinations and cells in general can be reset through the master container menu.
  • For a small fee, items can be sent between different stashes via Mojave Express.
  • Allows to rename cells and containers.

Crafting improvements
  • Automatic use of crafting supplies from all managed containers in the current cell.
  • Automatic use of crafting supplies from companions – this feature is enabled everywhere, not only in player homes
  • Supports recipes from all mods.
  • Supports all types of workbenches, including mod-added ones.

Compatibility and requirements

  • Supports all DLC, TTW and mods.
  • Can be used alongside Sortomatic, just don’t activate them in the same cells.
  • Compatible with any loot menu.
  • Requires all main DLCs and JIP LN NVSE 57.15+.

How to use it

Find any unowned interior cell with a container. Point at the container and press the VATS hotkey. Confirm marking it as a master container.

Now, all container menus are accessible through the VATS key. (The hotkey would not be necessary without loot menus, they brought some corrections.)

Master container menu is your central point of access. It allows you to process your inventory, retrieve items and change settings. Hotkey activation on any other container in the cell opens the “Default Destinations” menu. You can assign a container to any item categories. Also, this menu allows to make any slave container a master.

All unsorted (homeless) items stay in the master container.

Hotkey activation ‘into the air’ temporarily highlights all activated containers.

You can take and put items into containers normally. Putting item into the master automatically moves the item, if there is a default destination for it. Putting item into a container makes the container a default destination for this specific item.

In configuration, you can select, which items always stay in your inventory, which are always removed, and quotas of items to keep.

The mod only manages containers you configured. If there are items in an unconfigured container, they will be left where they are.

The mod also has a few cheat codes.

Beware of respawning interiors

Generally, it’s safe to use in any player home. Almost all containers and interiors in Fallout 3/NV do not respawn, but you should always check before establishing a camp somewhere. The mod will prevent you from activating a respawning or owned container automatically. When in doubt, consult Fallout wiki (FO3, FNV). Or test cells by yourself: put an item into a container, leave the cell, and wait outside for 75 hours. If your item is still there and NPCs did not respawn, the cell is ok to stay in.

The mod does not manage respawning of cells or containers in any way, it only moves items between containers. Choosing a home, follow the same logic as without the mod. If NPCs steal your stuff, that’s completely on you.

Recommended lStewieAl’s Tweaks

; remove companions from VATS
bIgnoreCompanionsVATS = 1

; Allow use of WASD keys as arrows in menus, and E and space to accept
; Also, allows to use Tab to close dialogs, making navigating Stash Organizer menus faster.
bUseWASDAsArrowKeys = 1